LOUISVILLE - The Shenandoah FFA Chapter in Indiana was named the Model of Innovation winner in community development at the 87th National FFA Convention & Expo in Louisville, Ky.
The nation’s top 10 three-star chapters in the community development division competed for the award. Shenandoah FFA was awarded a plaque in an onstage ceremony during the second general session on Thursday, Oct. 30. Top chapters were also selected from the middle school, student and chapter development divisions. Members of the Shenandoah FFA have a passion for working with those in the community who are disabled. During the spring, they wanted to create a prom for these individuals and give FFA members a chance to interact with members of the community. Formal wear donations were made to all group home participants. The Models of Innovation awards are sponsored by John Deere. It is one of the many ways FFA members accomplish the FFA mission and succeed in making a difference in their communities and the lives of others. The National FFA Organization provides leadership, personal growth and career success training through agricultural education to 610,240 student members in grades seven through 12 who belong to one of 7,665 local FFA chapters throughout the U.S., Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. Received and authored by the National FFA Communications Department.
![]() Shenandoah FFA spent four days at the annual Indiana FFA State Convention which takes place at Purdue University. Members spent countless hours preparing for each contest they competed in over the past week. Shenandoah FFA had another successful convention and would like to thank the community for their support! Convention Results for Shenandoah are listed below: 1st: Beef Production Proficiency - Adrianne Trennepohl, 1st: Ag Communications Proficiency: Nathan DeYoung 1st Ag Mech Proficiency: Jason Masters 2nd Sheep Production Proficiency: Kathryn Pierce 3rd Emerging Ag Proficiency: Nathan DeYoung 4th: Outdoor Rec Aaron McCambridge 4th: Forestry Production: Bobby Pierce 4th: Forage Production- Wyatt Bivens Models of Innovation for Community Development and Student Development 3rd in Big Ten Chapters 7th in Chapter Donations 4th in Leadership Ambassador, 4th in extemporaneous Public speaking, 2nd in Job Interview, All by Nathan DeYoung 1st in Ag Ed CDE - Nathan DeYoung 1st in Discovery Ag Issues - Brandon Barnes, Sami Delay, Dailynn Shelton, Cameron Mathews, Bella Bellamarie Spiker 1st in Novice parliamentary Procedure- Claire Trennepohl, Macee Rudy, Zoe Dwiggins, Brooklynn Byrer, Breanna DeYoung, Lauren Stewart, Ryan Reese, Hannah Zdanowski, MaKenzie Decker, Brandon Barnes, Cameron Mathews and Madison Wilson 1st in Agricultural Issues Forum - Emily Marsh, Bailey Voth, Michaela Kemerly, Libby Witham, Shelby Lockart and Ellie Rider Star in Agribusiness finalist - Nathan DeYoung State Star Farmer - Adrianne Trennepohl Middletown, IN- On April 7, 2014 Shenandoah FFA members placed very well in this year's state proficiency judging contest. Students, in order to compete, must meet certain requirements set by Indiana and National FFA in their own Supervised Agricultural Experiences (SAEs). They then fill out an application that showcases their programs. Members SAEs were judged against other programs from all across the state in their specified areas. Those students who placed in the Gold Emblem Section in this contest made the top four in the state. The Gold Emblem applications will be resubmitted on April 18th for final scoring and placement. Winning SAEs are announced at the annual state convention and contest in June. Results are as follows below:
Nathan DeYoung; Agricultural Communications Entrepreneurship; Gold Emblem Jason Masters; Agriculture Mechanics Repair & Maintenance Entrepreneurship; Gold Emblem Chassey Harter; Beef Production Placement; Gold Emblem Adrianne Trennepohl; Beef Production Entrepreneurship; Gold Emblem Chase McCorkle; Diversified Livestock Production Placement; Gold Emblem Nathan DeYoung; Emerging Agricultural Technology Placement; Gold Emblem Sydnee Kirby; Equine Science Placement; Silver Emblem Wyatt Bivens; Forage Production Placement; Silver Emblem Bobby Pierce; Forest Management and Products Placement; Gold Emblem Aaron McCambridge; Outdoor Recreation Placement; Gold Emblem Gage New; Poultry Production Placement; Bronze Emblem Kathryn Pierce; Sheep Production Entrepreneurship; Gold Emblem Blog Posting from Melissa Lovett, Advisor at Shenandoah FFA
Middletown, IN. – Shenandoah FFA chapter president and high school senior Nathan DeYoung travels to Oregon this weekend to lead several workshops on the issue of world hunger and to encourage other FFA members to get more involved. Specifically, he will be talking about his chapter’s involvement with Foods Resource Bank (FRB), a non-profit that engages people in the US to raise awareness and funding for agricultural development programs overseas as a solution to world hunger. “I see Foods Resource Bank as a natural way to get not only more young people, but specifically more FFA members, involved in the broader issues of world hunger,” says DeYoung. Begun in 1999 through collaboration between several farmers, relief and development organizations, and volunteers, Foods Resource Bank supports agricultural development as a solution for world hunger. “Most of the world’s 870 million chronically hungry people rely on subsistence farming as their only source of food and income,” says Marv Baldwin, FRB’s President. “Currently FRB has about 57 programs in 34 countries around the world working to support people to be better, more successful farmers, which means they can overcome hunger and have income for basic necessities.” In 2012, DeYoung and some fellow FFA members were tasked with creating a career development project around FFA’s theme, “World Hunger Starting at Home.” DeYoung learned about Foods Resource Bank from people involved locally at the nearby Elanco headquarters. The Elanco project has been working with FRB since 2008 and has supported agricultural projects in Nicaragua, Cambodia, Bolivia and Mozambique. DeYoung and his group decided to develop a communications and media plan focused on FRB for their career development project and presented it at a Fall meeting to FRB and Elanco staff and local volunteers. As a result of that event, the Shenandoah FFA is a committed partner in Elanco’s project and DeYoung hopes that FFA involvement both locally and nationally will grow. Not only will he travel to the FFA convention in Oregon to spend several days talking about world hunger, FRB and FFA, he also plans to run for Indiana State Office this year and share his passion for ending world hunger through his position as an officer. For more information or to learn more about Foods Resource Bank, contact Kelsey Day at (630) 209-3768, [email protected]. www.foodsresourcebank.org On Friday, November 15th, four Shenandoah FFA members had the opportunity to attend the 2013 FIRE FFA Camp at the Indiana FFA Leadership Center. Junior and senior FFA members from all around the state went to Trafalgar for this annual camp. FIRE, which stands for Foundations in Reaching Excellence focuses on developing older FFA members. During the weekend long camp, members learned all about leadership, setting goals, mentoring others, and leading by example through community service. This year's theme was Catching Fire, which derives from the book and soon to be movie "Catching Fire" which is apart of the popular Hunger Games Series. Members enjoyed numerous activities which included a dance, talent show, and service project for a local Johnson County Riley Children's Hospital patient and senior citizens in the local nursing homes. FIRE came to an end on a Sunday morning with a small awards session where members found out how there “Hunger Game” districts did in the mock games. FFA members went home from this exciting weekend with this thought… if you put the effort into something, then the odds will ever be in your favor.
INDIANAPOLIS (Tuesday, July 30, 2013/National FFA Organization) – The National FFA Organization has selected 16 students from throughout the U.S. as finalists for its top student achievement awards for 2013.
The American Star Farmer, American Star Farmer, American Star in Agribusiness, American Star in Agricultural Placement and American Star in Agriscience awards recognize FFA members who have developed exemplary agricultural skills and competency through career development programs, demonstrated outstanding management skills, earned an American FFA Degree and met other agricultural education, scholarship and leadership requirements. The finalists are: American Star Farmer Tyler Loschen: Tri-Point FFA, Illinois Tyler Vathauer: Blue Valley FFA, Kansas Tyler Linneman: Keytesville FFA, Missouri Vance Zacharias: Enderlin FFA, North Dakota American Star in Agribusiness Chelsey Schlosnagle: Collins FFA, Kentucky Eric Dean Miller: Lyons-Decatur Northeast FFA, Nebraska Elizabeth Hayes: Marysville FFA, Ohio Aaron M. Zimmerman: Spencer FFA, Wisconsin American Star in Agricultural Placement Ross Crabill: Shenandoah FFA, Indiana Connor J. Rose: Shields Valley FFA, Montana Riley James Schwader: Howard FFA, South Dakota Trenton Bemis: Lincoln (Alma Center-Humbird-Merillian) FFA, Wisconsin American Star in Agriscience Jacob Harrison Schindler: Lowndes County FFA, Georgia Kelly Froehlich: Academy for Science and Agriculture FFA, Minnesota Mark Keck: Plainview FFA, Nebraska Emilie S. Cerny: Big Foot FFA, Wisconsin Each star finalist receives a cash prize of $2,000 from the National FFA Foundation and earns the opportunity to participate in an international experience. A panel of judges will interview finalists and select one winner for each award at the 2013 National FFA Convention & Expo Oct. 30-Nov. 2 in Louisville, Ky. The four winners will each receive an additional $2,000 cash award. The American FFA Degree and Star recognition programs and international experience are co-sponsored by ADM Crop Risk Services, Case IH, DuPont Pioneer, Elanco, Farm Credit and Syngenta as a special project of the National FFA Foundation. The National FFA Organization provides leadership, personal growth and career success training through agricultural education to 557,318 student members in grades seven through 12 who belong to one of 7,498 local FFA chapters throughout the U.S., Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. # # # About National FFA Organization The National FFA Organization is a national youth organization of 557,318 student members as part of 7,498 local FFA chapters in all 50 states, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. The FFA mission is to make a positive difference in the lives of students by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth and career success through agricultural education. The National FFA Organization operates under a federal charter granted by the 81st United States Congress and it is an integral part of public instruction in agriculture. The U.S. Department of Education provides leadership and helps set direction for FFA as a service to state and local agricultural education programs. For more, visit the National FFA Organization online at www.FFA.org, on Facebook, Twitter and the official National FFA Organization blog. Shenandoah FFA members joined more than 2,000 other Indiana FFA members at Purdue University for the 84th Indiana FFA State Convention.
Shenandoah FFA definitely had a year of growth in success, legacy, tradition, perseverance and determination. This year's convention was one to remember for the 22 students from our chapter that attended this truly amazing and impactful convention. Shenandoah FFA member Austin Johnson, a Discovery Degree member, states, "It was truly impactful. Being a first-year member, I really didn't know what to expect when I first got off the bus that day to compete." Austin competed this year in the Discovery Degree Agricultural Issue Forum with his teammates Lauren Stewart and Ryan Reece. State Convention contest competition requires many hours of preparation and dedication in order to have a great success in your endeavors within the FFA organization. This year Shenandoah's efforts and hours of dedication truly paid off with eight state wins, one second place and one third-place win. Nine Hoosier Degree Recipients were bestowed with the highest award the state can give its members. Shenandoah FFA was also granted the Models of Innovation award for the chapter's community service and chapter development efforts. There were also 11 gold emblem proficiency qualifiers. Placing first in state were Nathan DeYoung in his Agriculture Communications SAE, Adrianne Trennepohl in Beef Production, Lara Eichhorn in Equine Science and Kathryn Pierce in Swine Production. Three second-place proficiencies were Devin DeBruhl in Ag Mechanics Design & Fabrication, Jason Masters in Ag Mechanics Repair & Maintenance and Luke Cronk in Diversified Livestock Production. Placing third in the state were Kathryn Pierce in Sheep Production, Ann McCambridge in Outdoor Recreation and Sydney Goyette in Fruit Production. And rounding out the top gold proficiencies was Wyatt Bivens with his Forage Production proficiency placing fourth in State. Keeping up with tradition and following in the footsteps of many Shenandoah FFA members before them, this year's Agricultural Issues Forum team placed first and will be competing in the national in Louisville, Ky., in October. Members of the Issues team are, Nathan DeYoung, Kathryn Pierce, Adrianne Trennepohl, Sydnee Kirby, Brittnee Bertram, McKenna Resler and Wyatt Bivens. Also qualifying for a trip to the national competition in October is the Marketing team placing first in the state. Members are, Nathan DeYoung, Sydnee Kirby and Emma Carpenter Other Career Development events Shenandoah FFA members competed and their placings are: Agricultural Education -- 1st place by Nathan DeYoung. Plant and Soil Science Demonstration -- State Qualifiers included Bailey Voth and Shelby Lockhart. Multimedia Scrapbook placed first and was created by Nathan DeYoung. The Discovery Degree Agricultural Issues Forum placed second and members were Austin Johnson, Lauren Stewart and Ryan Reese. Discovery Degree Prepared Public Speaking by Claire Trennepohl placed third. Shenandoah FFA is also proud of their FFA member, Emily Marsh. She was selected to be apart of the State FFA choir for the week of convention -- as well as Kathryn Pierce for being elected to the President's position for the district. And Nathan DeYoung was elected into his vice presidency for the next year. These two members will spend the next year motivating, encouraging and leading members across 16 schools over a seven-county district. During the Shenandoah FFA's visit to the Lafayette area, members also participated in the FFA chapter fun night, visited Historic Prophetstown agricultural facility and Columbia Park Zoo and took a tour of the Purdue University campus for potential future students. President
Nathan DeYoung Vice-Presidents Adrianne Trennepohl and Kathryn Pierce Secretary Sydney Kirby Treasurer Brittnee Bertram Reporter Emily Marsh Sentinel Devin DeBruhl Advisor Wyatt Bivens Chaplin Madison Hensley Historian Lara Eihhorn Community Development Committee Bailey Voth Agricultural Awareness Committee Chairman Aaron McCambridge Middletown- District IX convention and contest, district and state qualifier proficiency judging, and district chapter meeting contests are just a few events in which FFA members have been taking apart in during the months of March, April, and May. Taking place first for members was the District Convention and CDE (Career Development Event) contests which took place on March 8, 2013. Shenandoah had an excellent year this year with four district champions, six district runner-ups, and three teams placing third in their events. Shenandoah overall had over forty-three members competing at the District IX Convention and contest. The District Chapter Meeting contest took place two weeks after District IX Convention. The results of these teams were outstanding; the novice and senior teams both came out as district champions. Following shortly after District IX convention was the state qualifying proficiency contest which took place last week. Shenandoah students had the opportunity to submit their SAE (Supervised Agricultural Experience) programs to a contest in which these SAEs are judged. Students winning state last year competed and students qualifying from the District level proficiency contest. All of the results from these events and contests are listed below. Shenandoah had another excellent year with contest and plans to have a great year at the state contest which will take place during June. In our program of activities for the next couple weeks are is as follows: Henry Country Agricultural Education Day at the Henry County Fairgrounds on Friday, April 12; Section Parliamentary procedure contest on April 16; and the annual Snug Harbor Prom on April 27, 2013.
District IX Convention CDE Champions: Discovery Degree Agricultural Demonstration in Animal Science; Hannah Zandoski and Madison Wilson; 1st place Discovery Degree Prepared Public Speaking; Claire Trennepohl; 1st place Plant and Soil Science Demonstration; Wyatt Bivens and Lara Eichhorn; 1st place Multi-media Scrapbook; Nathan DeYoung; 1st place District IX Proficiency Contest Results: Emily Marsh; Agricultural Education; 2nd place Jason Masters; Agriculture Mechanics Repair & Maintenance; Entrepreneurship; 1st place Chassey Harter; Beef Production; Placement; 2nd place Chase McCorkle; Diversified Livestock Production; Placement; 1st place Kathryn Pierce; Diversified Livestock Production; Entrepreneurship; 1st place Sydnee Kirby; Equine Science Placement; 1st place Brittnee Bertram; Vegetable Production; Placement 1st place State Qualifier Proficiency Results: Nathan DeYoung; Agricultural Communications Entrepreneurship; Gold Emblem Devin DeBruhl; Agricultural Service Placement; Bronze Emblem Devin DeBruhl; Agriculture Mechanics Design & Fabrication Placement; Gold Emblem Jason Masters; Agriculture Mechanics Repair & Maintenance Entrepreneurship; Gold Emblem Adrianne Trennepohl; Beef Production Entrepreneurship; Gold Emblem Luke Cronk; Beef Production Placement; Silver Emblem Luke Cronk; Diversified Livestock Production Placement; Gold Emblem Chase McCorkle; Diversified Livestock Production Placement; Silver Emblem Sydnee Kirby; Equine Science Placement; Bronze Emblem Lara Eichhorn; Equine Science Entrepreneurship; Gold Emblem Wyatt Bivens; Forage Production Placement; Gold Emblem Sydney Goyette; Fruit Production Placement; Gold Emblem Ann McCambridge; Outdoor Recreation Placement; Gold Emblem Kathryn Pierce; Sheep Production Entrepreneurship; Gold Emblem Kathryn Pierce; Swine Production Entrepreneurship; Gold Emblem Sydnee Kirby; Vegetable Production Placement; Silver Emblem Brittnee Bertram; Vegetable Production Placement; Silver Emblem |
AuthorsEmily Marsh Nathan DeYoung
Chapter President 2013-14 Archives
November 2014